In September 2020, the Swiss parliament adopted the new Federal Data Act on Protection ("FADP"). The law is expected to enter into force in September 2023, although the respective ordinance, which will provide for more details, was still being drafted at the time of publication of this article.
Although the basic data protection principles that apply today will not fundamentally change with the new law, there are some sticking points that need to be taken into account. As we all know, the devil is in the details.
Not only big corporations but also small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) should consider data protection from a governance and risk perspective, and the new FADP offers the ideal (and probably mandatory) opportunity to do so.
In particular, the new FDPA provides for more stringent information and documentation obligations, expands the rights of data subjects, creates reporting obligations in the event of data loss or data security breaches, introduces the obligation to conduct data protection impact assessments and provides for stricter criminal sanctions in case of violations. On the other hand, the personal data of legal entities will no longer be protected under the new FADP.
SMEs should consider implementing the following 12 action points in relation to the new law:
For those companies who have already implemented the GDPR, the effort required to implement the new FADP will be limited. Nevertheless, the FADP contains differences to the GDPR that must be taken into account, in particular with regard to the company's information obligations, the rights of data subjects and the obligation to report breaches of data security. What is certain is that the FADP will generate additional administrative work for those SMEs subject to it.
Finally, it is important for SMEs to act now because the new FADP does not provide for a transition period. This means that the necessary adjustments within the company must already be implemented by the time the law enters into force – there is therefore no time to lose.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.