The American Rescue Plan is the third installment of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) that will continue to provide emergency funding to support students impacted by global pandemic.
The CARES III Grants will be released directly to students, unless otherwise noted, for qualifying expenses such as food, housing, technology needs, childcare expenses, medical (including mental health) expenses and other expenses resulting from the campus disruption.
CARES III grant general information
- The CARES grant funds are solely intended for assisting students with the financial disruption that is related to the closing of campus. It is NOT a supplement for a loss of employment or other non-educational hardships that the student may have incurred.
- These funds assist students with housing, child care, medical expenses, and technology or other educational supplies.
- New to CARES III Continuing Education, International, Undocumented, and DACA students are eligible to receive funding.
- Outstanding tuition Balances can be paid with CARES III funds for any impacted semester.
- The amount of awards can vary based on need, enrollment status, and availability of funds. Typically students can only receive one CARES award per semester. If you believe you have an additional need please contact the financial aid office.
- All questions in reference to CARES grant funding can be e-mailed to
Quarterly Reports
- 1st Quarter Report
- 2nd Quarter Report
- 3rd Quarter Report FY21
- 4th Quarter Quarter
- Revised 4th Quarter FY21
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Facility Rentals
- Blackwood Campus Directions & Map
- Camden City Campus Directions
- Regional Emergency Training Center (RETC) Directions
- William G. Rohrer Center (Cherry Hill) Directions
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Camden County College does not discriminate in admissions or access to, or treatment or employment on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, nationality, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or domestic partnership or civil union status, gender identity or expression, or persons with a mental or physical disability, or any other legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries/complaints regarding non-discrimination policies:
Students and employees have the legal right to appeal grievances with the local Office for Civil Rights, New York Office for Civil Rights, U. S. Department of Education, 32 Old Slip, 26th Floor, New York, New York 1005-2500, Telephone 646-428-3900, Fax: 646-428-3843; Tdd: 800-877-8339,EmaOCR.Newyork@Ed.Gov