The Isle of Man has taken a bespoke and robust approach to the implementation of the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) and the Law Enforcement Directive (LED).
The implementation of the law in the Isle of Man - and its effectiveness - is essential for the Isle of Man to retain its status as an equivalent jurisdiction, allowing us to do business with jurisdictions across the EU and other countries. In the future, the law will be developed so that the island can react swiftly to the development in data protection laws across Europe and in the Isle of Man.
The data protection legislation is as follows:
An Act which enables the Island to introduce EU data protection into domestic law.
This Order adapts the GDPR for use as domestic legislation in the Isle of Man.
This Order adaps the LED for use as domestic legislation in the Isle of Man.
These regulations implement all of the provisions of the GDPR and the LED and replace the former provisions of the Data Protection Act 2002.
These regulations set out the fees payable for registration with the Information Commissioner.